Map Settings

Map Settings are accessed via the Options Panel, located next to the layers panel in the lower left corner of your map.

General Options

Display Point Names This setting allows you to toggle on and off the visibility of point names on the map.

Allow Map Tilt This setting allows you to toggle on and off the ability to tilt your map using a two finger swipe gesture.

Allow Map Rotation This setting allows you to toggle on and off the ability for the map to tilt while zooming and panning. Switching this option off will keep your map north oriented.

Base Map Types

Mapbox Base Maps Select a Mapbox Base Map to turn specific map layers on and off. These layers are part of the base map, and are not included in your exported data. For convenience, you can tap 'Reset' in the upper right corner to return all layers back to their default on/off state. All Mapbox Base Maps are available for offline caching.

Other Base Map Types Select a non-MapBox map type to view it's options. You can modify the display name of the base map, update it's tile URL, add additional tile URLs, enable caching, or remove the map type.

New Map Type from URL If you have a tile URL you can add it to Touch GIS as a base map. URLs must be in the following format: http(s)://{z}/{x}/{y}

WMS & WMTS Base Maps

If you have a WMS or WMTS URL you can add it to Touch GIS as a base map. WMS and WMTS sources can also be used as overlays (displayed on top of a base map) as detailed below. Touch GIS currently only supports raster imagery from WMS and WMTS sources. While some sources may contain map features with attribute data, you will not be able to interact with this data in Touch GIS.

Note: Touch GIS only supports the EPSG:3857 projection. You may need to manually select this in the source's options in Map Settings.


Contour Lines This settings dialog allows you to manage the color and Line thickness of contour lines. Contour lines are an optional map overlay that can be viewed on any base map type.

Note: Contour Lines are only visible at certain zoome levels.

WMS & WMTS as overlays

If you have added WMS or WMTS services you can use them as overlays. This means they will appear on top of the current base map. To turn a WMS or WMTS on as an overlay, tap the eye icon next to the source in the Overlays section of the map switcher.

Last updated